Winston-Salem, N.C. March 13, 2025:
Salem Band 2024 Summer Concert Series – Tuesdays in Salem Square, 7:30 pm, FREE:
Salem Band will perform a 4-concert Series in Salem Square in Old Salem this summer. The programs include:
May 27, PAPERHAND PUPPET INTERVENTION with 6:45 pm pre-concert music by
the SB Tuba Quartet
June 17, GRAND OLE OPRY & COUNTRY MUSIC! with 6:45 pm pre-concert music
by the Westfield Old-Time Ensemble
July 04, FRIDAY, STARS & STRIPES with 6:45 pm pre-concert Jazz; & vocal
soloist Mignon Dobbins (July 05 rain-date)
August 05, SUPER HEROES FILM FEST! With 6:45 pm pre-concert music by the
SB Saxophone Quartet
August 12: Summer rain-date (as needed)
All concerts are free and open to the public. Contact musicdirector@salemband.org for more info.
About Salem Band
Established in 1771, Salem Band is the oldest, continuous mixed wind ensemble in the nation, celebrating 250 years in 2021-2022. Eileen Young, Music Director. More information at www.salemband.org
For additional information, please contact:
Dr. Eileen Young
Music Director, Salem Band