Winston-Salem Choral Artists
Sponsored Partner: Winston-Salem Choral Artists
Arts Council is proud to serve as a fiscal agent for WINSTON-SALEM CHORAL ARTISTS.
The Winston-Salem Choral Artists is a professional chamber choir led by artistic director and conductor Dr. Chris Gilliam. Based in Winston-Salem, NC - the City of Arts and Innovation - its mission is to perform, share, and advocate for highest-level choral artistry within the local community, in the surrounding region, and nationally.
Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County is proud to serve as a fiscal agent for the Winston-Salem Choral Artists while they pursue 501(c)3 status.
Support This Project
Click the link above to make a gift online to support this project. All donations are fully-tax deductible and support this project directly. For larger gifts, please consider mailing a check.
Arts Council of Winston-Salem & Forsyth County
251 N. Spruce Street
Winston-Salem, NC 27101
Memo: Winston-Salem Choral Artists
About Arts Council's Fiscal Sponsorships
In 2021, Arts Council launched a new service to the community by serving as a fiscal agent for projects that fulfil our mission as the chief advocate of arts and culture in Winston-Salem and Forsyth County. A fiscal agent is an established IRS 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that agrees to accept donations on behalf of a group that does not have IRS tax exemption. By serving as a fiscal agent for various local projects, we are better able to support the arts and cultural community by accepting funds on our partner's behalf and granting them back to our partner organization. This gives donors a tax deduction for their gift and helps for us to better fulfil our mission at Arts Council.